Polygraph tests are designed to solicit disclosures, deter bad acts, and help determine causes and involvement in problem behaviors or unacceptable activities. Here, we list the most common types of tests we administer.
Couples often rely on us to resolve infidelity, pornography, gambling, theft, and other issues causing distrust in their relationship. A polygraph test is an inexpensive and quick solution to what a private investigator will often take weeks to resolve at considerable expense. We regularly administer infidelity examinations with accurate results, at a reasonable cost. We offer confidential individual and paired testing to resolve specific issues that arise within relationships.
Workplace crimes are the second leading cause of business failure in the United States. If you suspect embezzlement among your workers or cannot pinpoint a cause of business losses, please call us for a free consultation to discuss your business loss issues. We can identify and resolve internal theft issues quickly with our extensive background in loss prevention and corporate security applications. Polygraph testing internal theft events requires specific compliance with the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA). This is a specialized area that we have years of experience investigating and administering polygraph testing for.
Immigration attorneys trust our tests to resolve Visa and other issues that may arise during the citizenship process. Examples of immigration violations include criminal conduct of improper entry and reentry, smuggling, transporting, harboring aliens, and immigration-related fraud. We conduct polygraph tests to assist attorneys with clearing up unresolved issues barring someone from obtaining U.S. Citizenship.
Addressing a sexual assault allegation has become common place within relationships, families, and workplace environments. The "Me Too" movement and the frequent high-profile cases that have become front page news, from Hollywood to Washington D.C., have placed demands for forensic verification. Whether you are a sex assault victim, witness, or being falsely accused, the polygraph test can help verify your claims. Trust your testing with us. Confidential, thorough, and experienced confirmation testing in a professional environment.
We conduct polygraph testing of individuals accused of sex offenses as well as confirming a victim’s account and/or statement. We are often told what a life changing event it is when someone's accusations have been confirmed with our polygraph testing, even many years later. If you or someone you know have been subjected to child abuse and would like this confirmed, please call us for an appointment.
Child neglect is a type of maltreatment related to failure in providing needed, age-appropriate care. Unlike physical and sexual abuse, neglect is usually typified by an ongoing pattern of inadequate care and is readily observed by individuals in close contact with the child. School personnel often notice indicators of child neglect such as poor hygiene, poor weight control, inadequate medical care, or frequent absences from school. Professionals have defined four types of neglect: physical, emotional, educational, and medical. Unchecked, neglect will often lead to a lifetime of emotional issues, sociopathic and dis-associative behaviors.
Child sexual abuse refers to any sexual contact with a child or teen. It includes many different acts. Some of these are touching the vagina, penis, or anus of a child; having a child touch the abuser’s vagina, penis, or anus; putting an object, penis, or finger into the vagina or anus of a child; and showing a child pictures or movies of other people undressed or having sex. We have years of experience identifying those involved in child sex abuse cases.
Polygraph testing of children is legally permissible. We can accurately administer a test to children, ages 12 through 17 years, with parental permission. A 12-year-old child must possess a “Mean Age Equivalency,” or SAS score of at least 12 years of age and have an IQ of 55 or above.
Assisted living center abuse has become a hidden epidemic that is rarely identified. Placing a loved one in such an environment during their final years can come with the devastating discovery that abuse and neglect has occurred. We have been contracted by major assisted living organizations to investigate their employees via forensic interviewing and polygraph testing. If you have evidence of patient abuse occurring within your organization, we can help before it becomes a catastrophic issue involving a regulatory action, lawsuit, media, or law enforcement intervention.
Exploitation of the elderly comes in many forms. Financial, sexual, physical, deprivational, emotional, nutritional, and psychological abuse cases are a regular headline across the United States. More often than not, family members are the cause or they simply ignore the symptoms. If you notice inadequately explained wounds, dehydration, malnutrition, hygiene issues, fear of speaking in the presence of a caretaker, excessive medication, unusual confinement, missing assets, shame, fear, or embarrassment, you should seek assistance immediately. We offer polygraph and investigation services to assisted living centers to help identify elder abuse.
A common reason that medical professionals may be tempted to abuse substances such as opiates, is due to the easy access they have to powerful prescription medications that are not properly accounted for as they are administered.
Along with their unpredictable and exhausting work hours, medical professionals are required to make spur-of-the-moment decisions regarding their patients’ health and wellbeing. If they feel responsible for a certain outcome, or come to regret a choice that was made, this can greatly affect their emotions and mental state, leading to substance abuse. These behaviors are easily discovered with the polygraph test.
Teenagers can often cause overwhelming stress and chaos in the household. We test for illegal drug use and trafficking, alcohol consumption, theft, molestation, sabotage, vandalism, shoplifting, pornography, and other issues. If you suspect your teenager is committing offenses, call for an appointment before this behavior leads to considerable expense, severe injury, and/or legal actions.
Studies have shown that violent and aggressive criminals are more likely to have abused animals as children than those who are considered non-aggressive. Many serial murderers began their violent behavior by abusing animals. The FBI uses reports of animal abuse when gauging the threat potential of suspected and known criminals. The American Psychiatric Association identifies animal abuse as one of the diagnostic criterions for conduct disorders.
We have examined teenagers and others for intentionally poisoning family members with toxins such as antifreeze, Borax, prescription medication, and other household items. Poisoning is generally discovered after someone has been hospitalized and a physician has reported traces of toxins in the victim, sometimes postmortem when it is too late. If you suspect intentional contamination is occurring in your home or business, we encourage you to call us for a consultation.
Fishing contests often involve large purse awards and will tempt anglers to not play by the rules. We test winning anglers to make sure they won the tournament in a sporting manner and did not cheat to gain unfair advantages. We have conducted testing for American Bass and Bass Pro US. We will travel to your location for polygraph testing.
Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) have the ability, or potential, to drastically alter the human body and its biological functions, including the ability to considerably improve athletic performance. In certain instances, these drugs can be extremely dangerous, and in some situations, deadly. Drug screens that are initiated just prior to a competition will identify recent use; however, long term undetected use can be discovered with the polygraph test. We examine winning athletes for illegal historical substance abuse, including anabolic steroids, stimulants, human growth hormone, and diuretics.
Witness testimony is considered by far the most unreliable form of evidence in any court, as compared to forensic discovery. Judges and attorneys know this as a fact. Juries are easily swayed by emotional statements and other factors when someone testifies. Countless wrongful convictions have resulted from false testimonies. We administer tests for inconsistencies and fabricated statements made by witnesses. Verification is especially critical in homicide and rape cases. We offer a variety of polygraph tests to determine veracity of truth when confirmation of a witness statement is critical.
Family court judges are often tasked with determining fault and cause of child abuse, neglect, and endangerment. This is especially difficult when the victim is too young to testify and/or cannot be interviewed by a child psychologist. Admission of polygraph is relaxed in many family court districts and when a judge will allow examinations of those with access to the child victim. We have administered many polygraph tests for jurists to help eliminate and identify those who have had access to, and victimized, a child.
Child Protective Services (CPS) are tasked with investigating child abuse and neglect cases. We have administered tests for CPS units and family court judges. Some victims are too young to speak for themselves and often the child's entire family will come under scrutiny for child abuse. The polygraph test is especially effective in resolving these types of situations.
Incarcerating children is a heartbreaking reality for our justice system. A locked-up child feels embarrassment, fear, shame, and abandonment. Often misrepresented and left to the system to determine their fate, children are vulnerable to injustice. Administering a pre-sentencing polygraph test for Juvenile defendants will determine their level of involvement in any crime. False confessions are common and often lead to undeserved sentences. Do not let your child become a statistic for something he or she did not do. We offer a variety of testing solutions for family court issues.
We follow the American Polygraph Association's "Standards of Practice" and administer our tests using Backster's Zone Comparison Technique, which has been taught for over 60 years. This includes evidence - based changes that occur periodically to improve accuracy.
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