Las Vegas Polygraph Testing & Private Investigations
“Provider of Actionable Intelligence”
“Provider of Actionable Intelligence”
LVPI is a full-service polygraph testing and private investigation firm serving the state of Nevada. We offer confidential testing in downtown Las Vegas as well as convenient mobile service.
We conduct polygraph testing in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the general public, corporations, legal firms, sex/marriage therapists, public entities, government agencies, immigration service providers, and family court. Our private investigation services include surveillance, locating individuals, background screening, relationship issues, and security consulting. Mobile service is available throughout Nevada.
We use modern computerized polygraph testing instruments with the latest countermeasure detection devices authorized by the Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board (PILB). All testing is administered in compliance with the American Polygraph Association's Standards of Practice. We are American Society for Testing and Measurements (ASTM) compliant.
Find out why sex therapists, law firms, public agencies, and businesses have switched to our polygraph testing service. Test questions are carefully formulated to clear the innocent person who involuntarily becomes involved in a serious situation. Friendly, confidential, non-rushed, and accurate results!
Call us to schedule an appointment!
Administering polygraph tests in Las Vegas, Nevada, since 2007, we are a member of the American Polygraph Association (APA). LVPI specializes in child abuse, sex offender, criminal, relationship, and employer polygraph testing. Founder James Hannah served with the Boulder City Police Department reserves and is a former district, regional, and corporate investigator. This includes 18 years as a currently licensed Nevada private investigator. We continue to serve the Clark County, Nevada, Indigent Defense Conflict Panel as a public defense investigator and polygraph examiner.
Our clients include the United States Air Force (USAF) Area Defense Counsel; King County, Washington; Niles, Illinois; Clark County, Nevada Public Defender’s Office; and the Nevada Division of State Parks.
Trust your polygraph test and investigation solutions with a licensed and insured examiner/investigator. With attention to accuracy and confidentiality, we use Lafayette computerized polygraph instruments and peripheral devices.
LVPI complies with APA's "Standards of Practice" and the Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board (PILB) regulations. We follow all federal and local regulations, including but not limited to the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Explore the variety of polygraph tests we offer and how they can help with civil, criminal, and family issues that may arise within your business and personal life.
Since 2001, we have conducted a wide variety of criminal, workplace, civil, legal, and insurance fraud investigations throughout Southern Nevada. We offer cost saving solutions and free consultation.
Learn about the evolving science of lie detection, a century of people who brought the modern polygraph test to where it is today, and how the polygraph was used to discover bio-communication.
Review government and private research reports that validate polygraph testing and expel the myths regarding court admissibility and accuracy. These publications are helpful to educators, attorneys, and individuals who desire case citations and specific scientific studies regarding the accuracy and validity of polygraph examinations.
We offer free polygraph testing to qualified families and disadvantaged individuals who are involved in missing or exploited children events.
LVPI is committed to helping the community resolve crimes involving our most vulnerable and innocent population, children.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children documented 421,394 missing children in the US, during 2019.
If you are about to take a polygraph test, we recommend reviewing our FAQ’s page.
We answer the most common questions our clients have, explain how to prepare for your test and what to expect during your appointment with us. We include films to demonstrate a properly administered polygraph test and how your “fight or flight” reflex comes into play.
We specialize in post conviction sex offender testing and coordinate with behavioral therapists as well as parole and probation agencies. If you are seeking a qualified examiner for your sex therapy clients or are currently enrolled in a multi-disciplinary supervision team program as an offender, you are encouraged to contact us. We include a downloadable comprehensive APA article regarding testing protocols we are in compliance with. Included is a brief film that explains the containment approach model.
The 1988 Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) allows pre-employment testing in limited job classifications and individuals involved in a loss to their employer. We have extensive experience with internal loss investigations. Learn about this specialized testing and our affordable solutions for your agency or business.
Read about private investigation cases, services we offer and how the polygraph is used in unique ways to solve mysteries, clear the innocent and identify the guilty.
Recommended reading for “true crime“ enthusiasts and those interested in becoming an investigator and / or polygraph examiner.
LVPI offers mobile polygraph testing throughout Nevada and Arizona. We administer tests in businesses, law offices, detention facilities, and law enforcement agencies. In some circumstances we will test in private homes and hotel rooms.
Recommended for companies and agencies that want to test a group of employees.
Polygraph testing rates vary depending on circumstances. Our private investigation fees start at $125.00 an hour for most clients. We offer low cost solutions for many situations. Consultation is always free and confidential.
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